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Valve-tek is the "only one" manufacturer of ball valves direct sales to worldwide market in Europe(50%), America(30%) and others(20%), who has its own investment casting foundry, machining, fabricating in one plant with 105 employee in Taiwan. The casting section has 50 employees, with a month capacity of 150 Tons, Its equipped with full set of investment casting foundry manufacturing and testing machines. Besides, it has the capabilities to produce casting part according to customers requirement. With a full complete production line and over 25 years professional experiences, we are confident to control strict quality, on time delivery and lower cost. The accumulation of technology leads our team do all effort offering the top qualified products.
Orez Taiwan is establisehd in July, 2011 as a foreign investment company specializing German Cosmetic Brand of " Frei". Orez Korea has an exclusive for sales of Frei in Asia market and Orez Taiwan is in charge of all the sales marketing activities in Taiwan. Orez Taiwan will be promoting all the brand of Frei line from Hydroid, Sentstive, Antiaging, Bio and Urea line. Especially Frei Pflege Oil is the number one of market share for Anti-stretch mark in Germany and Korea. Orez Taiwan will expland their market with Frei in soon. 歐瑞斯國際有限公司為一新設立之外資投資公司,專營德國frei品牌之保養品批發零售。frei亞洲區獨家代理權由韓國Orez Korea取得,Orez Taiwan將負責台灣區之銷售,將frei優良的保養品推廣給國內使用者。
天下熙熙皆為利來,天下壤壤皆為利往,夫千乘之王、萬家之侯、百室之君,尚猶患貧,而況匹夫編戶之民乎 我們是一家網路拍賣經營五年有餘的賣家,在這戰戰兢兢經營事業的歲月中,秉持著誠信經商,天道酬勤的想法,我們獲得在網拍價格戰中獲得了生存的機會,也在客戶的口碑中累積下一定的肯定 然而在不斷成長與壯大之餘,我們也招遇隨之而來的挑戰與機遇,我們暫時沒有大公司顯赫的光環,也沒有大賣家響亮的招牌,但我們始終相信機遇始終來自挑戰,也同時秉持著步步為營,向上求發展的企圖. 聰明的人會在股市低潮時進場,精明的買家會在價格跌深時出手,有企圖心的人會看準趨勢積極準備,我們需要您的加入,將淘寶國際帶入到一個嶄新的領域,成為行業內閃亮的新星,眾人側目的焦點! 如果您期待你找的公司不一定要供應你高薪...但是要夠人性化....事業有穩定的成長度....願意分享利潤....相信我們直接寄來履歷,我們願意與您一起分享勝利果實與得失的人生經驗!! 每當看到眾多公司寫下輝煌成績的同時心中也充滿著有為者亦如是的想法但成功的背後總是隱埋著眾多心酸與淚水我們確寫下如此的篇章: 2003 進行兩岸小額手機貿易 起步 2006 創立淘寶國際 進入PHS手機領域 2007 進入車用部品領域 廣州,深圳合作夥伴,北京建立基礎 2009 草設新銳貨,代理微型DV領域,智器MID,個人錄影設備,與綠界合作網站銷售http://www.amazwow.com/ 2010 進行 POS系統測試整合,行車紀錄器販售,吉祥物設計完成,開箱文3C商品與部落客寫手合作 2011 進行標準化流程/規章制度/薪獎分紅制度,如果您有好的點子,獎罰分配制度,就按照您的想法吧!並機及擴大市場影響力 期待您的加入 2011年天知道我們又會做出什麼事來,敬請期待! 我們沒有別人一蹴成功的機遇,確有趨吉避凶,從錯誤中學習成功所知道的寶貴經驗, 我們還沒很強很大,但走出台灣的決心始終沒變,最後渴望賢才良將之心,如同尋覓終身夥伴! ◆我們面對競爭對手的態度:始終相信唯有讓競爭對手追的辛苦,而不讓自己感覺辛苦;讓競爭對手覺得難過,而不讓自己不好過,堅信舞台是給有準備的人!!
AutoTV 專職於汽車試駕的節目分享與製作, 重點在於提供消費者一個客觀,公正,專業的開箱影片, 融合娛樂,輕鬆的內容, 搭配高畫質的影片, 再加上素人的分享介紹, 幫消費者在出門看車前先獲得更多的資訊. 是我們的宗旨與目標
*INTRODUCTION OF THE PROGAME ELECTRONICS INC. We、The Progame Electronsics Inc. have been established since 1982 with the capital of US$300,000 as an experienced manufacturer of coin、video、amusement machines and their spare parts. We are specialized in export/ import trade of a complete line of amusement products. We have qualified professionals constantly involved in developing new and used amusement machines and offer the best after-services to suit customers』 demands. We look forward to cooperate with the potential factories to make the achievement that will benefits for both of us. * OPERATION PRINCIPLE: 1. Providing educational、safe and comfortable entertainment place for people 2. To break the stereo type of piracy and copy image by establishing the new brand of our own. * OPERATION RANGE: 1. Distributing the various kinds of machines. 2. To investigate and develop new program of the IC board. 3. Trading and modifying the different series of IC board、such as Mary、Fruit and amusement series. 4. Spare parts and materials for wholesale. 5. Various kinds of machines for rent. * MAINTENANCE: 1. Maintain and repair the machine IC board for customers. * POCESS AND COMPOSE FOR SPECIAL CASE: 1. Design and program the entertainment park including association operation. 2. Develop special IC and PC board as required. *MARKET STRATEGY: 1. For Domestic Market-Provide our retailer with products for wholesale and for rent. 2. For Foreign Market-Spread our products through our agencies worldwide market. There are also colorful catalogues available.
An international kitchenware manufacturer and marketing company, and the new set up company in Taiwan is looking for qualified people to join the growing market and share the growth of the company’s benifit. Please see our website for details !
公司成立於1992年~目前營業額約2億/年~專營不織布製造銷售~在桃園設有工廠~外銷市場佔總營業額8成。 Taiwan Spunlace (group) Co; Ltd. is the leading professional spunlace manufacturer in Taiwan. With the spirit of achieving the best, we have jointly formed a group of skilled electronic construction engineers, process technicians, product related sales engineers, and planners with substantial knowledge a variety of first-grade quality products. Our perfectly synchronized automated production line and flawless selling system enable us to ensure that the production and marketing functions complement each other. Most of our founder members have experience with non-woven industry or equipment over than 30 years, and they are all the pioneers for spunlacing industry in Taiwan. In1994 we successfully developed the first hydro-entanglement production line, and till now we had set up totally 9 lines in Asia already. These years we concentrated all our spirit on developing hydro-entanglement technology and continuously acquire experience from practical operation. These precious experiences are the key-points to improve and develop the new technology on our production line. Now we had achieved a great success on machine’s performance, stability and capacity. With 250~300 tons high quality output per month, our worldwide customers are distributed in Japan, Korea, America, France, England, Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, India, Israel, Hong Kong…..etc.
RichEnergy Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. We strongly believe that, to win reputations and to be a model in this highly-competitive industry, an enterprise must have its irreplaceable expertise and market value. Over the past one year, we’ve been always following the faith we believe to not just improve our expertise, but constantly develop services with innovative values. We’ve been sticking to our insistence and focusing on our core business to meet the market demand and to be more service-oriented. We possess great teams with professional techniques as well as timely and efficient logistics operating system to provide high quality and highly-efficient value adding services. “To be the most reliable and creative local service provider in the high technology industry” is the first goal we set up for ourselves. Through efficient resource integration and localization profession, we expect to fully satisfy customers’ needs and create a win-win situation for both the clients and partnerships.
盈富科技有限公司位於苗栗縣竹南鎮,營業登記地址:苗栗縣竹南鎮大厝里開元路340巷1號2樓,盈富科技有限公司的統一編號:54816733,營業稅籍分類屬於:瓦楞紙板(箱)製造,盈富科技有限公司的負責人是黃◯貞,資本額:500,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 盈富科技有限公司的地址位於
立可開燈箱企業股份有限公司位於新竹縣竹北市,營業登記地址:新竹縣竹北市溪州里溪州路81巷48號,立可開燈箱企業股份有限公司的統一編號:22700941,營業稅籍分類屬於:廣告代理,立可開燈箱企業股份有限公司的負責人是周O慧,資本額:20,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 立可開燈箱企業股份有限公司的地址位於
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